ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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What problems are you having with your mouse?

(OK, so maybe not that kind of mouse! You have to admit he is kind of cute.)

My mouse position (height, angle, reach, space for use) is not comfortable.
Should my mouse be on my worksurface or on a mouse tray?
What type of mouse should I have to fit my hand - a shell (standard) mouse or a different type of mouse (rollerball, touch pad, etc.)
My mouse doesn't have a scroll wheel and I wonder if I need one.
I don't know how to set-up the buttons on my mouse.
My mouse wrist rest doesn't allow my hand to move comfortably when using my mouse.
I use the mouse with my right (or left) hand only and wonder if I should switch to the other hand.
The curser doesn't move smoothly - I need to clean my mouse, I need to adjust my mouse, my mouse needs maintenance.
Other - contact your supervisor for assistance.

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