ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

The curser doesn't move smoothly - I need to clean my mouse, I need to adjust my mouse, my mouse needs maintenance.



Clean mouse

A clean mouse is a happy mouse! If your curser jumps all over the screen the mouse ball and rollers probably have become dirty.  (NOTE: this applies only to a mouse with a ball, it does not apply to optical mice.)

To clean your mouse:

  • Turn the mouse over.
  • Open the cover by turning it - follow the arrows.
  • Remove the ball and clean with rubbing alcohol or similar solvent.
  • Clean the rollers in the mouse - rubbing alcohol and Q-tips work well.
  • Replace the ball and the cover.

Curser adjustment

Learn how to adjust the curser - go to Button Setup.


Make a habit on a regular basis to examine your mouse for maintenance problems.

Clean mouse.


Adjust mouse


Contact your supervisor to report maintenance issues.

Copyright 2010 ErgoSystems Consulting Group, Inc.