Ergo Basics - Tools

Ergonomics Issues

Step 4 asks you to develop, justify and implement realistic and feasible ergonomics solutions.

Use the Ergonomics Analysis Worksheet to conduct the assessment. Make use of the Cheat Sheets on the Worksheet.

Develop solutions

Brainstorm on specific interventions. Be careful you don’t recommend wholesale change.  A "minimalist" approach may be much more palatable.

Perform Cost Analysis

We all know that management is under a great deal of pressure to cut costs and save money where ever possible.  Perform a Cost Analysis/Return on Investment.

Implement Solutions

The goal is to accomplish controlled measurable change. If you change too many variables all at once you run the risk of not being able to recognize what did and did not work. Apply the principles but be careful of generalizations. In all likelihood, the "normal" person does not exist.


Use the specific Checklists based on job tasks


The modification itself is not the issue; the acceptance and integration of the modification is the issue.

Introducing the job modification into the work place only begins the process. Check out Facilitating Change for more information.

  Click to continue to Step 5 Follow-up