Ergo Basics - Tools

Checklists and Worksheets

To aid you in performing ergonomics analysis make use of the checklists and worksheets.




Chair Checklist

Step-by-step protocol to learn about the features of a chair in general.

Also check out the Chair Guide for information about specific chairs.

Office Ergonomics Assessment - Guidelines

Guidebook to conduct an office ergonomics assessment. Complements the Office Ergonomics Assessment Worksheet.

Office Ergonomics Assessment - Worksheet

Step-by-step worksheet to assess an office workplace. Refer to the Office Ergonomics Assessment - Guidelines for in instructions in how to use the worksheet.
Office Ergonomics Assessment - Worksheet Long FormStep-by-step worksheet to assess an office workplace.
Office Ergonomics Assessment - Worksheet Short FormStep-by-step worksheet to assess an office workplace.



Design for Manufacture and Assembly - Problem Identification

Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) is a set of programs, techniques, tools and methods for improving the fabrication of parts and simplifying the assembly of products. The checklist helps to identify problems.

Design for Manufacture and Assembly - Problem Solving Form

Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) is a set of programs, techniques, tools and methods for improving the fabrication of parts and simplifying the assembly of products.  The checklist helps to identify potential ways to solve DFMA related issues.

Guide to Selecting Non-Powered Hand Tools

CDC publication provides specific information about selecting non-powered hand tools.

Hand Tool - Checklist

Step-by-step checklist to assess hand tool selection and use.

Task Analysis - Checklist

Step-by-step checklist to assess tasks in general.

Workstation Layout - Checklist

Step-by-step checklist to assess workstation layout.



Manual Material Handling - Checklist

Step-by-step checklist to assess manual material handling.

Task Analysis - Checklist

Step-by-step checklist to assess tasks in general.

Workstation Layout - Checklist

Step-by-step checklist to assess workstation layout.

Ergonomics Analysis - General

Worksheet to make use of the five step ergonomics analysis process  that can be used to analyze any job in any workplace.

Job Performance Innovation Workbook

Ten page, detailed checklist used for in-depth ergonomics analysis.

Ergonomics Principles - Poster

Poster of the Ergonomics Principles that can be posted for general reference and used as a reminder at workstations.

Discomfort Survey - Individual

Questionnaire that allows an individual to record the level of discomfort related to body part and activity.

Can be used as part of the general ergonomics analysis process.