ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

I have difficulty placing or removing files and office materials: shelves/file cabinets  too low or too high, shelves files jam packed, difficulty seeing into file cabinets, etc.

It’s amazing sometimes how much stuff we can accumulate in our offices. 

The old adage, “a place for everything and everything in its place” makes good sense.

Check out the information on 5S's.

5S's for Organization

Make use of the 5S's to control storage issues.

Reach Zones

On a regular basis make sure that you can easily place and remove any of your office materials from their storage locations in file cabinets, drawers, shelves and cabinets.

Understand and make use of the reach zones.

Primary- desktop, shelf, file

Commonly/frequently accessed from seating system:

  • Within easy reach

  • Within accepted reach zone


 Secondary - desktop, shelf, file

Occasionally accessed:

  • Located in the gray zone

  • Requires light weight and low frequency of access to limit stress

  • Best bet: move into primary or tertiary



Tertiary – shelf, file

Occasionally accessed:

  • Requires getting out of chair to reach

Implement the 5S approach - give it a try it really does work!

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