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Worksurface (desk)



Corrective Action

I don't seem to have enough space on my desk.

No doubt about it desk space for many people is a premium.

Here are some things to look for:

  • Cluttered desks - hard to locate items you need.

  • Items you don't often need kept on your desk are taking up valuable space.

  • Think virtual - a cluttered computer "desktop" decreases efficiency. Purge computer files your no longer need or move them to other storage locations.


Unorganized desk?  Well, the simple solution is pretty clear. Organize it!

If it were that simple our desks and our lives would be much more organized. Here are some tips that might help.  Think about the 5S's:

SORT - Eliminate everything not required for the current work, keep only the bare essentials.

SET IN ORDER - Arrange items in a way that make them easily visible and accessible.

SHINE - Clean everything and find ways to keep it clean. Make cleaning a part of your everyday work.

STANDARDIZE - Create a set of standards to help you organize.

SUSTAIN - Practice and repeat the process until 5S becomes a way of life.

Implement the 5S approach - give it a try it really does work!

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