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Pointing Device






Relatively easy to learn how to use.

Installed base is huge with most computer users first exposed to a traditional mouse.


Promotes “skating” of the mouse with subsequent out of neutral hand/wrist/arm/shoulder positions.

Hand size is important to consider to match the correct size shell with hand size.

Often poorly positioned in relation to user and keyboard.

Roller ball/Track ball

Can provide a stable platform for the hand that eliminates ‘skating’ of the traditional mouse.

May be very effective in controlling wrist and elbow problems.

Available in a variety of configurations with ball controlled by either the thumb or fingers or in some cases either.

Acceptance curve is quite steep. Minimum of one week trial basis to determine benefit is recommended.

Some users never accept it.

Hand size is important to consider to match the correct size shell with hand size.

Typically more expensive than a traditional mouse.

Touch pad


Provides an alternative to the traditional and roller ball styles.

Learning curve may be quite steep for some users.

Typically more expensive than a traditional mouse.



Often used by graphics designers who require the ability to ‘draw’ o the tablet.

Can be cumbersome for some users.

Typically more expensive than a traditional mouse.



Designed to place the hand in neutral position during use.

Limited acceptance to date.

If frequent reach to the keyboard is part of the job task may result in excessive hand/arm movement.

Copyright 2010 ErgoSystems Consulting Group, Inc.