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Monitor - Height


We typically read a newspaper by looking out and down. This same thing is true for computer monitors.

Trying to look at a screen higher than eye-level is uncomfortable because it forces you to open your eyes wider than usual causing discomfort as well as a tendency for your eyes to become more dry. Also with a monitor that’s too high, your tendency will be to tip your head back putting an additional strain into your neck and shoulders.

General Guideline

A general guideline for the height of the monitor screen is to position it so that it is at eye level or slightly lower. You want to be able to look out and down to the view the monitor.


If you use bifocals or trifocals monitor height is even more important! Check out the Vision section for more details.

Lower monitor

If the monitor is too high, you may try either tipping the monitor forward a bit which in effect lowers the viewing area, or raise your chair slightly (as long as this doesn’t affect your ability to have adequate foot support.).

Remember, as a final option you may need to consider actually lowering the surface that the monitor is on.  This is particularly true as monitors of larger size are more commonly in use.

Raise monitor

Use a monitor riser. Go to Products.

Copyright 2010 ErgoSystems Consulting Group, Inc.