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Keyboard - Adjustable or Fixed

Step One - Determine if worksurface height is Adjustable or Fixed.

Your goal is to position your hands at the correct height in relationship to your worksurface.  How you accomplish this correct relationship depends on a critical point - Can you adjust the height of your work surface?

Here is how to tell if you can adjust your worksurface height. Look at your worksurface and pick the type you have:

Fixed heightAdjustable height

Free Standing Desk

Fixed Height  Keyboard Tray

Keyboard is on slide-out tray that can not be height adjusted.

Wall Panel Mounted

Worksurface is mounted on the wall panels and can be hung at different heights.

Free Standing Adjustable

Worksurface height is mounted on height adjustable legs.


Adjustable Keyboard Tray

Keyboard tray, mounted to the underneath of the worksurface can be height adjusted.

Click here to go to Step Two - Determine Keyboard Technique

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