ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Computer (case)
Problem TipsCorrective Action

I have difficulty reaching to my computer's on/off switch and the CD/DVD drives.


Reposition computer

If you have difficulty reaching to your computer you will need to reposition it. Generally, shut down the computer before you move it. Get help if needed to move the computer.

Be careful of cabling - reroute cables and get cable extensions if needed.

Desk top placement

If you are right  handed you may want to put the computer on the left side of the monitor - frees up space on the right side to write and visa versa.

You may be able to place the computer under the monitor.

Get it off your desk by moving it to the floor.

Floor placement

Reposition it so it is out of the way of your feet. Typically you will be able to slide it one way or the other.

Think about which side makes most sense. If you swivel your to the right to use the right side of your worksurface then position the computer to the left side on the floor and visa versa.

My computer is properly positioned.

I am NOT able to properly position my computer - contact supervisor.

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