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Ergo Basics - Principles

Promote work in reach zone

This ergonomics principle promotes activities in your unique reach zone.


How much does a typical person use their hands everyday?


Almost 100% of the time! Our hands are potent tools - they are capable of generating large force levels as well as incredibly precise movements. Where do we use our hands? Does anybody spend their day working with their hands behind them? Didn't think so!

We use our arms out in front of our bodies. Is there a zone that makes most sense to try to work in? It is called the Reach Zone.

Reach Zone

We can define what is called the Reach Zone. Stature and arm’s length determine each person's unique reach zone. Determine your individual reach zone and set up your work station to promote reach in that zone.

  1. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.

  2. From this standing position reach both arms forward.  From the middle of your hands to your chest is your forward functional reach.

  3. With your arms still out in front of you, hold them so they are at about shoulder level.  This is the upper limit of your reach zone.

  4. Next drop your hands to your sides.  This is called knuckle height and is the bottom limit of your reach zone.

  5. Now reach your hands forward again, slowly move your hands and arms out to the sides until you form about a 90 degree angle from the mid line of your body.  This is your functional side-to-side reach zone.


You will find information about specific ways to set-up workstations in your Reach Zone in the Solution Center.

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