ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

I  "slouch" in my chair and wonder if this may cause a problem.



This is a fairly common seated posture (slouches in chair - rounds out lower back when seated) and may result in increased compression in the structures of the spine.. You probably sit this way for a variety of reasons:

  • indicates a mismatch between you and the chair - the chair is the wrong size and/or not properly adjusted.
  • Habit - you may have developed this as a habit over the years.


Honestly if you really only do spend a few minutes slouching in your chair it is probably not a big deal. On the other hand if this is how you typically sit hour after hour:


I am able to adjust my chair and workstation  - no action needed.

Go through the Chair Guide to find out about your chair and how best to adjust for you.

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