ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

I  "perch" on the front edge of my chair and wonder if this may cause a problem.

This is a fairly common seated posture. You may do it for a one of two primary  reasons:

  • Seatpan may be too deep for your leg length - when you sit all the way back in the chair the front of the seatpan digs into the back of your knees. More than likely you are of shorter stature (5'2" or less)

  • Seatpan tension not set tight enough - when you sit back in the chair it tips backward on you.


Honestly if you really only do spend a few minutes perching on your chair it is probably not a big deal. On the other hand if this is how you typically sit hour after hour:



I am able to adjust my chair and workstation  - no action needed.

Adjust the seatpan depth or obtain a different suitable chair.

Adjust the seatpan tension or obtain a different suitable chair.

In general go through the Chair Guide to find out about your chair and how best to adjust for you.

Copyright 2010 ErgoSystems Consulting Group, Inc.