ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

My office area is generally too cold or too hot for me.

Temperature in the office environment is a very personal issue.  We all have individual thermostats that vary from person to person. 

It probably is not possible to have one temperature be totally accepted by every person in the office.


Temperature solutions


The first step to improving your comfort related to temperature is a general survey of your co-workers.  It may be that everyone is too cold or too hot.  In this case you may need to talk with your building’s facilities staff to see if changes can be made.


If sunlight coming through a window, even in the wintertime, provides too much radiant heat you may want to have a window shade that you can control.

Other controls that may work for you are to have a sweater available to put on if you are too cool or a personal fan you can use for a little more ventilation.

Area controls

  • Regulate room temperature based on group consensus.

Personal controls:

  • Window shade

  • Sweater

  • Fan (if allowed)

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