ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

I have glare on my monitor.

Glare is unwanted light reflected into your eyes.

Control glare

Position the monitor so that a light source is not behind you or at an angle that can be reflected by the monitor.

·        Ideally the light should be overhead, or perpendicular to the monitor. If an overhead light is a bit behind you and can be seen in the monitor, try a glare hood on top of your monitor to shield it from the light. (you can make one from manila folders or buy one.)

·        A glare screen added to the monitor will also control glare.  (Also privacy screens are available that limit viewing of the screen from the side as well as control glare.)

·        You don’t want to have a light source such as window directly behind the monitor. Your eyes try to adjust to the light evel and have trouble adjusting to the light coming in from outside and the light generated from your monitor.

  • If you can’t place the monitor perpendicular to the light source, close the shades when working on the computer.


Contact your supervisor if you need additional assistance.

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