ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

I have too much (i.e. from overhead lights or sunlight through windows) or too little light in my office.

Light levels are important. Too much light leads to eye strain as your eyes try to accommodate to the excess light.

If your eyes are more comfortable when you shield them with your hand - like the visor on a cap - light levels may be too high.

On the other hand - if you strain to see in your office area you may need more light.


Too much

For overhead light that may be too much, one option may be to turn out some of the overhead fluorescent lights. Also make sure you talk with your neighbors to get a group consensus.

Before you do this on your own, contact your building facilities staff to make sure how to do it safely.  Also in some cases, turning out one fluorescent bulb in a set may cause the other bulbs to flicker

Too little

If you simply don’t have enough general light for safety purposes, additional overhead lights may be added or another effective way is to add indirect lights, which bounce the light off of the ceiling and walls.  Again contact your building facilities staff for the best solution.

Task lights are a great way to add additional light where you need it.  They come in a variety of configurations and wattage.  For example you may use a desktop lamp to provide additional light on your document holder. You may have a bulletin board where you post information; a task light can be attached to a wall panel or other surface and be pointed at the bulletin board to provide proper illumination.

Remember that how you position the task light is important, for example don’t point it directly at your computer screen because you will create glare.  Also make sure it is not in your direct line of vision and pointed at you because this also this will create a problem.

I need to make changes in the overall light level - contact your supervisor.

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