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I use my laptop full-time at my desk and do not have a separate monitor, keyboard and mouse - do I need them?

From an ergonomics perspective an laptop is an ergonomics nightmare.

The keyboard. mouse and monitor are all tied together in one unit!



Full time laptop user

Do you need a separate keyboard, mouse and monitor?

In a word  . . .YES!

Docking station

A docking station replicates the ports needed to plug in a separate mouse, keyboard and monitor.

It also can be used as a security measure to lock the laptop into the docking station.

Keyboard and mouse

Many newer laptops have quite nice LCD monitors.

Another option is to obtain a separate keyboard and mouse that you plug into the laptop's ports while you continue to use the laptop's monitor.

Check out the Monitor Height section for more information regarding monitoring position.


I need to obtain a docking station - contact your supervisor.


I need to obtain a separate keyboard and mouse. Go to Products.

Copyright 2010 ErgoSystems Consulting Group, Inc.