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Corrective Action

I am not a trained keyboardist and want to improve my skills - speed, accuracy, use of keyboard shortcuts, etc.

If you find you spend more time with the backspace and delete keys than any other you may want to consider improving your keying skills.

If you find yourself constantly reaching over to your mouse learn keyboard shortcuts.

Typing Tutorials

Consider investing the time to go through a typing tutorial.

If you can go from 30 words a minute to even 45 to 50 words a minute you can make an incredible difference in your keyboard proficiency.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Want to reduce the use of your mouse? Keyboard shortcuts are available to take the place of the mouse.

Most software has shortcuts. Go to the Help section of the software you are using and search on "keyboard shortcuts." You will get a list of them. For example here are some common shortcuts for Microsoft Word.

Take the Challenge!

  • Choose the five most common uses of your mouse.
  • Learn the keyboard shortcuts.
  •  Practice them for 10 days.
  •  See if you can't reduce mouse use by 50%.
  • Take yourself out for a treat to celebrate!

I need to take a typing tutorial.


Learn and use keyboard shortcuts.

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