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Chair Guide - Art of Sitting

Step Three - Recommended Sitting Styles

Our recommendation to you is to rotate through several different acceptable postures during the work day: Try to rotate about every 30 to 45 minutes.

Look at the four examples illustrated below - right only two are actually seated, the other two involve getting out of the chair! You can still occasionally sit slouched or cross legged, etc but avoid a regular habit of it.

Practice adjusting your chair so you can quickly and easily make the switch from one position to the next.


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  • Used when at the keyboard or writing at the desk.

  • Promotes a neutral body position for hand activity.

  • Fairly upright position (but not 90/90/90, more like 105/105/105) with feet flat on the floor or on a solid footrest.

  • Arms supported by the chair armrests or the desk surface

  • Head balanced over shoulders

  • Used during conversations, meetings. reading, etc.  (non keyboard activities)

  • Promotes decreased loading of the spine - the semi-reclined position transfers body weight to the chair.

  • Semi-reclined position (about 1150/1150/1150 elbows. hips and knees) with feet supported on the floor or an elevated bolster.

  • Arms supported by the chair armrests

  • Used during general activities.

  • Promotes a neutral standing position at a suitable height work surface - about elbow level.

  • Use of a footrest to place one foot up to provide variation in standing position.

  • Used as a break from sustained seated or standing positions.

  • Promotes fluid flow in the joints and blood circulation throughout.

Copyright 2010 ErgoSystems Consulting Group, Inc.