ErgoSystems Office Ergonomics Solution Center

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Corrective Action

My joints get stiff when I tend to sit for long periods of time - what can I do to improve the situation?


Workstation Setup

The closer your workstation setup is to your unique needs the more comfortable you will be.


Our bodies are made to move - not to stay in one position for long periods of time. Even if you are in the best posture possible you still will get uncomfortable within a few minutes.



Make us of the 30/30 Rule of Movement at work - every 30 minutes do 30 seconds of something else physically.

  • Stand up to make or take a telephone call.

  • Walk to another desk to relay a message.

  • Get a drink of water.

  • Take the stairs.

  • Stretch.

  • Set a timer to keep track of the time.

  • Use the buddy approach to remind each other.

  • Be creative!

Go through Ergo Basics and the Basic Ergonomics Assessment


Make use of the 30/30 Rule of Movement.

Copyright 2010 ErgoSystems Consulting Group, Inc.