Ergo Basics - Principles

Control exposure to work environment

Temperature, noise, light - controlling personal exposure to environmental factors is the next ergonomics principle.

In most cases the environment you work in is a controlled environment - not extreme in terms of heat or cold or light or noise. Does this mean it is of little concern to you in terms of health, safety, quality, productivity, comfort?

Moderate Environment

Consider room temperature. Based on your experience have you ever found a group of people who can agree on a common temperature?

  • Too cold! Too hot!  We all have a different internal thermostat.

  • Light levels in office and manufacturing workplaces - how much light is enough or too much.

  • Noise levels - do we want an absolutely quiet, "hear a pin drop" environment? Is too much noise distracting and fatiguing?

Providing a moderate environment in terms of light, noise, temperature and ventilation impacts in a favorable way. A moderate environment is just that, one that is middle of the road. Each person can use personal controls to moderate the environment.


All through the web site you will find information - tools and techniques - to help you work in a comfortable environment.

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